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jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Thoughts on weird things

Sometimes I can perfectly see how society is divided. I actually believe that individuals’ behavior does not have to do with the way they dress or, at least, it should not be an influence to judge people. Being free is the most important thing we own in life, if you lose your opportunity to be free… it is as if you were lacking of an eye to see. So, if you cannot control yourself, you are dead.

There must be thousands of people out there looking for each other, waiting for the chosen. This moment sometimes arrives but not always. It would be difficult to establish a given pattern in order to define and describe each personality, each character… if souls were as free as they should I think there would be no problems at all. It is society that conditions us in all ways, and we are always going to be the product of a structure full of rules, norms and constraints. 

That sense of loneliness you feel in certain circumstances is what gives you experience (1) to interact with other individuals, (2) to know how life really is and (3) to grasp the power to survive. I you want to be a hero, you have to fight and, if you fight you will become a hero either if you lose or win. It does not matter, what matters is that you have fought against the storm. 

Imagination and its different pleasures are what matter in life, they are not real but can become real as soon as you want.

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Go back

Go back to nature,
go back to childhood,
go back to happiness,
go back and keep dreaming,
go back to everything you want,
go back in time,
make it inside your mind...

Go back but keep walking,
Go back and make your dreams come true. 

domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Waiting for you

Being sat alone
Under a tree
Waiting for you
Is like being waiting for Godot
You may never come

I may not recognize you
Because I don’t know you

You cannot see me
But I can see you

Every day, I feel you
Sometimes I swear you are close,
Other times I feel you far away from me.

The curtain rises,
Trumpets sounding all over my head,
The curtain falls.

Here he arrives,
The time,
The only one who is sure of victory,
The only one who owns the ephemeral,
The only one who knows he is going to win this daily war.
But I will keep waiting for you,
Until the world ends,
Sat alone,
Lying under this wonderful sky,
Full of desires.


Estar aquí sentada
Bajo un árbol sin hojas
Es como estar esperando a Godot
Puede que nunca aparezcas.

No sé si cuando llegues te reconoceré,
No sé si te he visto alguna vez,
Quizás arribes al atardecer.

Todos los días,
Casi te veo.

A veces noto que estás cerca,
Otras muy lejos.
A veces dudo si te mostrarás algún día,

Es él,
El tiempo,
El único seguro de la victoria,
El único poseedor de la fugacidad de la vida,
Quien sabe que va a ganar esta batalla diaria,
Pero te seguiré esperando
Aquí sentada,
Tumbada bajo esta hermosa manta de deseos.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Tipos de belleza. Types of beauty.

La belleza concreta se puede capturar, pero es fugaz. Al final, seremos el resultado de una belleza abstracta interior, que no se ve, pero se siente.

Concrete beauty is fleeting beauty. At the end, we will be the product of an inner beauty which cannot be seen but felt.

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

New train of Thought English & Spanish. En Español e Inglés.


Humans’ conditions seem to be a very difficult issue to be touched on. However, I actually believe that we are simpler than we seem to be. We are all made up of the same wood, we all seek for a strong sense of commitment when dealing with the world itself, we all fight for survive and, that is how Social Darwinism would explain humans’ behavior, by means of the most rationalist view apart from an empirical one. It is empirically demonstrated that we, as independent creatures, are going to find the way to outlive life. We are determined by society and society determines us. It is a matter of thinking about simple facts… we tend to complicate things more than we should and, that’s not the point. The simple truth lies within our innate instinct of survival. The business of living often attacks the business of love and vice versa… two parallel facts opposed at the same time. Life comprises love but does always love comprise life? Loving gets rid of life when it ceases to exist. Whereas life is an inevitable must for all of us and deals with reason and reality, love has to do with the realm of fiction within reality. Most of our dreams come from love, not from life. They come from that deep feeling you get through the abstract and the otherness of the unknown. Your mind creates a new world of imagination, it fancies and goes far beyond the realm of the imaginative… sometimes we should think about whether our dreams are what we really want or they are just the product of this capitalist society that has led us to the core of materialism and corruption. 


La condición humana es “algo” delicado de explicar, describir y, a veces, entender.  Aun así, los humanos somos mucho más simples de lo que en realidad creemos o parecemos ser. Estamos todos hechos de la misma madera y, en cierto modo, lo que buscamos es dedicación y compromiso en cuanto a lo que recibimos con respecto al mundo. Luchamos para sobrevivir, según el instinto básico de supervivencia, y así es como el Darwinismo social explicaría nuestros comportamientos, por medio de un punto de vista extremadamente racional y empírico, basándose en hechos científicamente demostrados. Y, es a través de esos hechos que nosotros los humanos, como criaturas independientes, vamos a encontrar la manera de sobrevivir a la vida, de ganar esta batalla… Estamos determinados por la sociedad porque es la sociedad la que nos determina. Se trata de pensar en hechos simples… ya que tendemos a complicar las cosas más de lo que realmente son. Nuestro instinto innato de supervivencia es el que concierne la verdad. El trabajo de vivir a menudo desafía el trabajo de amar y viceversa… son dos hechos paralelos pero opuestos a la misma vez. La vida comprende el amor pero, ¿sabemos si el amor siempre comprende a la vida? El amar se deshace de la vida tan pronto como este mismo deja de existir. Y, mientras que la vida es un hecho inevitable para todos nosotros y consta de realidad y razón, el amor sin embargo es algo dentro del marco de la ficción que, a su vez, está dentro de esta realidad en la que vivimos. La mayoría de nuestros sueños vienen del amor, y no de la vida. Vienen de ese profundo sentimiento que obtenemos a través de lo desconocido, lo otro y lo abstracto, es decir, lo que no podemos palpar ni ver, sólo sentir. Tu mente crea un nuevo mundo en el que la imaginación tiene el papel principal y va más allá de lo imaginativo…. Y es a veces cuando deberíamos pararnos a pensar en si realmente nuestros sueños son lo que realmente queremos o simplemente el producto de esta sociedad capitalista que nos ha llevado al foco del materialismo y la corrupción.

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Love is beyond the limits of language

"The good love, in days to come"
"If I run out of passion, I will cease to exist"
"One's inner train of thought can be easily altered by means of psychological persuasion"

(The first two quotes are inspired by american writers)
Español/ Spanish:

He intentado llegar hasta el final,
pero no he podido.

He visto a mi propio yo,
trepando entre aquellas paredes,
cubiertas de dibujos sin sentido.

Inglés/ English:

I've tried to  reach the limit,
but I couldn't.

I've seen myself, my own dark I,
climbing onto those walls,
which were extremely covered by senseless drawings.