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viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Odio los túneles

No sabes porqué pero sientes alivio
You take it for granted that it is going to happen, but have no idea about when
Mil mariposas recorren tu alma y
Luchan contra esas serpientes que intentan apoderarse de tu cuerpo

Ves caras, ves cosas, ves mundo
y ese sentimiento vuelve a aparecer
llegas a la conclusión de que todo es nada,
y solo lo que no puedes ver es algo.

Estar sentado en una nube
mientras contemplas al mundo
es bonito,
pero para hacer eso primero hay que estar vivo
y, luego hay que sentir.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


It is when his spirit emerges from the shadow of the forgotten soul..
that I, now a woman still in love with him, fantasize.
Is it possible to fall in love with someone you have seen only once or twice in your whole life? Is it possible to become addicted to somebody’s writing by feeling that you are him and that he is you..?
Little did I imagine how identified I was gonna feel with his writings and intellect.
It doesn’t matter how much time do I spend on thinking about that product of the imagination that I will never forget him.
Is it possible to feel that person next to you by reading his thoughts even being hundred miles away from him?
I wonder whether this feeling of uncertainty will cease...  whether it will become true or not. “What you think, you become” said Buddha but... to what extent may I ask?
I can feel his mind melted in mine... it is still difficult however.
It is not his beauty that amazes me, it is the fact that I know from the very first time that I knew about him that our souls were perfect mates and infinitely compatible. 
I think, however, that love comes and goes like everything in life ... love is ephemeral like beauty, youth and awareness since our existence is dominated by the fugacity of hours, minutes and seconds. 

Sometimes I think if I shall do something, (no, that's too simple i guess)
sometimes I think that forced things are too unnatural to be done.
Then, I remember that what we imagine is real and real things are possible and, thus, probable. 
I prefer to let life act upon its course and she will be the one to decide, not me. 

If I have to meet this perfect and impaired soul again, I will. And, without any doubt, when our minds make love his mind will definitely become charmed by mine ... as I am with his.