We pass most of our daily time sat in a little blue square going from one place to another inside the tube. Well...as i am new in all this stuff i'd say that it is either useless or a waste of time, but, in fact, it is not.
Since the very first moment we are alone surrounded by the crowd, we start thinking and thinking is a very fruitful action. It lets you know a new world, opening new paths which are meant to be different ways of escaping from reality, since what you think is fictional and does not become real until you make it real. So once you've reached the place, that fantastic place you are looking forward to, stand up and make it real.
The fact of acquiring different perspectives in life is such a pleasure. Moreover, Homer would say that it has a moral, and a purpose indeed. In spite of being this a structuralist point of view, let me show you the romantic one. And when i say romantic i do not mean "love" i mean 18th century thoughts. What would say Wordsworth or Coleridge about going inside the tube for more than half of your day? They would advice you to get rid of materials, machines and technology and go to hyde park, green places, breathe, walk walk walk, and be inspired by nature.
It is that nature what makes us being alive and feel the love. Once you experience the excess of love, now you start feeling, and living in society.
Love corrupts society and society corrupts us. Maybe it is not quite good taking for granted that Hobbian thought since if one is original by nature he does not necesarily follow the crowd. Unfortunately, the rules can be broken but not avoided and, as I always say, life is about moments of impact that define who definitely we are.
So as you maybe see, every single fact within reality, in spite of being fictional, can be seen from a wide range of perspectives. Live, love and act. Fictional things are real since they are created within the realm of reality.
Thanks for reading.
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