Souls are
the essence of the world, without them there would be no life at all. Feelings
are the essence of souls. What is the main function they have in society? Its simple
existence answers the question. They have a sheltered concrete and visual refuge;
the body. Sometimes the body prevents other souls from noticing what its soul
feels, sometimes the other soul cannot reach the end because of the neutrality
transmitted by the body, sometimes the body is an obstacle, sometimes it is
not. So we have to be happy that Plato was one of the very first to distinguish
between body and soul, between the material and the cosmic. Dark and light can
be easily combined but they would not exist without the existence of the other
since they have a bidirectional relationship, they feed each other... I must say.
Some souls live in complete darkness, and those ones are who fly so far away.
Society is composed of endless souls. This is the cycle of life; being born,
living and dying. However, one has to be aware that it never ends, souls are as infinite as nature. Souls are part of nature so... could we replace the word
soul by the word human being? Or does the word human being comprise both body and
spirit? Is the mind part of the body or part of the soul? Is the mind the same as the soul?
Is the soul the same as the mind? Even a scientist would not be able to answer
it. To be frank, the only truth we know about all this stuff is that souls
love, feel and suffer and their shelter is the concrete body, our physical
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