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viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Chatting to life

Life is a challenge. It is no bed of roses though. There are, sometimes, waves that must be avoided. They cannot be swam. Sometimes it is life itself that gives you the lesson and not people. That path must be walked down. You must fall down in order to be alive again. For that’s how life puts the right things in the right place. There is no one to blame if you stumble. It has happened because of you. It wasn't your fault. Calm down. It is because of the moments of impact in life. Our experiences are so challenging sometimes that we do not even notice it but as soon as you start living… the path soon starts to be unconsciously walked down. We are stubborn and want to walk it properly but it is not always the point that must be dealt with. The little things in life, those that cannot be superficially enjoyed, are the things that we should worry about. Life is too short to stumble continuously and not standing up immediately. Be close to those things that make you happy. The path has loads of doors that are opened and not always we notice their presence. If one door closes, then walk down for a bit because there will be another wide open. If there is there is  some disappointment run away from it. Disappointment is nothing compared to happiness. Chase happiness and not failure. Chase the one. Chase your door. Chase your dreams because they actually come true. If you are sat alone somewhere out there feeling disappointed think positive and your thoughts will be not far from achieving your goal. Life teaches you to cope with difficult situations which are worth it since you learn from them. If you feel the necessity to  give, then give. If you do not receive anything from your attempt at giving, then there comes the measure. One needs to create the balance between what is worth it and not. Do you really want to lose your time giving without any feedback? It is up to you and your personal wishes. Time flies, and it is gold. Do not close any door. Be up to everything. Life is wonderful. You are wonderful. And, if there is anything that causes you disappointment smile. Do not stop smiling. Smile is the best sign of happiness that a human being can have on its face. The sun rises every morning and leads you to walk a new undiscovered path to success. 

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