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miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Getting to know happiness

The very sound of nature. The rain. Falling drops. Its speed. Love. True love. Inspiration. Your memory. The need for doing what you really want. Looking forward to fathoming life. Need for a kiss. Your image got stuck in my mind. Cool. Ask me again, hug me again, call me again. I won't be there anymore. It's never too late to admit that you are no longer welcome. 

My life, my path, my purpose. That feeling of actually chasing it. 

The profound feeling of happiness. The thought that it is worth it. Innocence, purity, whiteness. Something thingy. You. Me. Us. Feelings. Our souls together forever. Our bodies now separated, mixed soon though. Very soon. 

There is anger, irate and wrath in the world just because we have to meet them. It is a necessity. It is a must. Bad people with bad intentions towards us have to enter in our lives. They are the ones who make us learn. They make us not to fall again. They actually open our path to happiness. It turns the other cheek. We need to differentiate between what is actually good and evil.

Envy, violence and obscurity exist and we need to face them quite often. Bad people embody them. Bad people yes. However as they come they go. They disappear as fuck. They are as ephemeral as easy money.  We cannot actually complain about the existence of bad things. They are something that we need to experience somehow. Literally. That is how one gets to know happiness. That is how one is aware of the actual beauty of life. 

And suddenly you sit down in a different seat at the train coach and then find the answer. 

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