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miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Half-Naked Man Lying on a Wood in London

I decided to draw this scene which I must call: Half-Naked Man Lying on a Wood in London. The quotes are taken from Thomas Hobbes Leviathan Chapter XIII on the Nature of mankind as concerning their felicity and misery. If you follow my blog, you will know that I strongly support the idea of man as a selfish creature corrupted by society. That's why I, suddenly inspired, took a pen and let imagination play its role. 

"Nature hath made men so equal in the faculties of body and mind as that, though there be found one man sometimes manifestly stronger in body or of quicker mind than another, yet when all is reckoned together the difference between man and man is not so considerable as that one man can thereupon claim to himself any benefit to which another may not pretend as well as he. For as to the strength of body, the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by confederacy with others that are in the same danger with himself"

"The passions that incline men to peace are: fear of death; desire of such things as are necessary to commodious living; and a hope by their industry to obtain them"

We are like books

Some of us are born romantic, some achieve romanticism, and some have romanticism trust upon them. 

The true love is felt. It does matter if he or she is talking to somebody else. You won’t feel jealous but happy. You will feel complete. That is called true real love. And I still believe in love. 

Love is either everything or nothing. 

When someone feels love, they feel at a stage of exultant happiness. 

If a soul loves you, 
just kiss
and love 

If a soul loves you,
feel the power
share the force 

If a soul loves you,
hug them
and accompany them 


“If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness" by Victor Hugo in Les Miserables.

“Some texts are born literary, some achieve literariness, and some have literariness thrust upon them.  Breeding in this respect may count for a good deal more than birth” from Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory, pp. 7-8

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

On "The Importance of Being Earnest"

“The Importance of Being Earnest” (fig. La importancia de llamarse honesto)

Wilde uses a pun of words for the title of his “sentimental comedy”. Shall we call it “The importance of being ERNEST”? A bunch of critics (including me) have pointed out that the title of Wilde’s play gives us the key to success (and to understand it).  

This comedy of manners reveals a side of life: “nature and the human being” I would say.

It would be easier for those who have read the play to understand me. Jack Worthing (is he worth it?). He is the pivotal figure in the play and he pretends to be what he is not. Why does Gwendolen only want to marry a man called “Ernest”? Do you understand it?

Me neither.

When we humans pretend to plan things, it will all end up being a failure. The importance of be called Ernest will have its consequences. Being coherent is difficult because sometimes we will lie if we really want to achieve our goals. However, Wilde’s satirical hypocrisy (Jack Worthing pretending to be Ernest not Earnest) is not the role that one should play in their lives. So being earnest has its merit. “Nature […] immersed in its necessary work” (quote that comes to mind, if I remember well from a Sadaat Hasan Manto’s short sotry) will always work the same. I mean society is revolution and man is selfish by nature (Hobbes).

If I were Gwendolen I wouldn’t care. I would appreciate the fact that HE has tried to pretend being Ernest because of me. Real love only happens once. When a soul feels real love it is because there are no worries, no more things to worry about. It doesn’t matter what the other soul does because you know that he will be yours inside freedom.

“I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked, and being really good all the time. That would be hypocrisyOscar Wilde, The Importance of being Earnest.

REAL LOVE in days to come.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


This is the first time that I don’t know how to begin writing. These words come from the deepest of my soul. These words are for those ones who truly appreciate them.

Some of us pass the time complaining, feeling envy for the other, being selfish or hypocrite... It is hard to realize that the human being is self-interested by nature. Some of us spend our time fighting with others. Some of us are violent (I am standing on the corner of a street and watching two men fighting and the police intervening) I wonder where does the love lie? Where do we, human beings, hide our real love?

Some of us only care about appearances and beauty. Some of us are superficial. Why do boys only ask me for going out to posh night clubs instead of going to a library? Am I an object for them? What do they pretend? It is sad the fact of realizing how males and females behave nowadays. I am really fed up of receiving loads of whatsapp messages from different boys but with the same content: "you out tonight? Come to X(whatever)" instead of "fancy a talk?, fancy a beer?, fancy a walk?" Where are the gents? Where are the ladies? Where are your intellects? I guess that the fact of feeling yourself unused or wasted in the sense that you don’t find what you want and anyone finds you is an ordinary thing nowadays.  Maybe, the ones who we don’t pay attention to are the ones for us. And, the ones who ignore and hurt us (the ones who we inevitably want) are the ones who we MUST ignore. Sometimes, in life, reason is a complement for love. And using your intellect won’t hurt you. Creating a balance between reason and feelings must be a MUST.

Who cares about the fake boobs of the girl sitting in front of me right now? Who cares about that guy next to this bus driving a Ferrari or wearing a Louis Vuitton t-shirt? Those things are amongst the most esteemed features in society nowadays. And that is the pity. We only see through the eyes and, sometimes, forget that we can also see through the heart.

Some of us are cruel. Some of us take advantage of the situation, laugh at others and insult them simply because they are not beautiful or skinny enough. And life's rules cannot be played like this. Some of us are rude. Some of us don’t realize what we have until we lose it. And that is the pure and simple truth. The truth is that today we are here, and tomorrow we may not. Two young souls died yesterday in the city where I come from and I still don’t believe it. Life is so cruel sometimes for no reason. And I will always wonder… but why? The saddest thing is that we temporarily realize the value of life when these things happen. Then we forget. Sad. Very sad. We should know that we all posses the most expensive, valuable and exquisite thing… and it is LIFE itself.

My journey in this bus ends (I am happy to see this couple kissing with such passion) and getting off it I walk home thinking about the real truth of life. How can we find it? Where is the path to it?
There are no paths to find the real truth because the truth is constructed little by little and day by day. It is a complement of our lives since each individual has a particular truth. The truth is singular. And reality varies from one’s eyes to other’s eyes.

And now, once my journey is finished and you met myself a little bit more, I am lying on my bed... thinking that some of us are good. Some of us are wonderful. Some of us (maybe you) pass our time laughing, smiling and being happy. Some of us help the other and take care of our friends and family day by day. Some of us do not mind about that fat boy or girl and think that we could be in love with him or her (in fact I was). Because anyway... you will be in love with a soul and not with a body. And, I must admit that harmony can be perfectly felt this way because I experienced it. Remember that your reality varies from other’s one. Some of us live in peace. Some of us are tolerant. Some of us still believe in love... because me, after all, I still believe in love. I am grateful, at the age of 23, of being where I am right now and writing this text for you all. I am extremelly grateful to my family, specially to my parents, for giving me the opportunity of bringing me into this wonderful world and teaching me the value of things. Always forgive your enemies, and remember LIFE is gold, appreciate it. 

Thanks for reading. Love you all. 

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

On love

Do you believe that love is found by means of reason (fatalistic view)? Or do you think that it is found by chance? Give me your hypothesis and let's get to the thesis. 

I've been trying to analyse from many perspectives what love is or should be. We attempt to idealise the concept of love quite often. When we idealise something we (somehow) ignore the consequences of it. This is the reason why some of us fall in love so quickly, but it is good. The ones who fall in love too fast are the ones who get to know who they are. This way, knowledge is a complement of love. It creates balance between the ideal conceptualisation of love and the real one. 

To my mind, love can be found either my means of reason or by means of chance. So I made a list of what I consider love involves. For my analysis i've read some ideas of such philosphers as Plato and Ortega y Gasset, among others. 

1. Love as a path to find your goal

2. Love as a force of chaos that transforms everything

3. Love as a metamorphosis

4. Love as a rational process

5. Love as an accident

6. Love as a perfect idealisation of beauty

7. Love as a sexual act (Ortega)

8. Love as charm

9. Love as a mental status of misery in which the conscience will be impoverished and paralyzed (Ortega)

10. Love as a naked manifestation of the self

11. Love as an intimate process to discover one’s self

12. Love is two-sided: real and imaginary

13. Love as an aesthetic admiration

14. I believe that love is everything and, at the same time, nothing.

15. Love as a divine invention that conserves the beauty of nature

16. Love is harmony. 

Finally, love will always involve more than one subject. In other words, there must be at least two people performing love. If there are more than two people the situation changes and we would be talking about Shakespearean love triangular relationships, in which corruption would be a counter part (Thomas Hobbes). 

Love is a mixture of the ideal and the real. Things are more probable than improbable. 

Photo by Marcos Domingo Sánchez
Model: Pedro Jiménez 

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

The one

The source of inspiration of the following extract is “Fatso”, a short story, written by Etgar Keret. For those who haven´t read it this is the link to the narrative

There is life. And, there is us. Where is your man? Where is your woman? On the globe.

If you are seeking for a partner, stop seeking. Your partner is not going to appear now. Maybe he is out there waiting for you. Maybe he is next to you now. Maybe he is reading what i am writing now. Maybe you are my partner (sorry, my future partner). But I say maybe. MAYBE.  And, only maybe, I am and will be yours.

The real love (in days to come) is that made up of no words. There are neither sentences nor verbal expressions to describe what real love is. I guess we are all looking for something similar to fill the gap. So, mind the gap please. Have you ever heard that recorded woman saying “mind the gap please, between the train and the platform”? Maybe she is the one. Or maybe not, who knows. So if you have the opportunity to meet her, please do it and mind the gap. Maybe my one is the randomer who bombarded me with strange questions at 5am on my way back home and terrified me. Maybe the fact that I saw the same randomer three times in the same place means that he is the one. Quizás si, quizás no. Todo es cuestión de plantearselo.

Okay, bromas a parte. A sí que bueno... the thing that I want to make clear is that the other is not there to fill our emptiness. The other is there as a complement and the relationship between you and the other will be bidirectional. Maybe you don´t find the love of your life, or maybe the love of your life is right there standing next to your soul, your writings, your smiles, your creativity. Also, you may think that the love of your life doesn’t exist. Me I do. I believe in the real love. Do you know why? Because when someone has accumulated love inside… it is impossible not to believe in love. You will always be somebody for someone. The key issue here is exploration.

If you think that person is the one, who you already know and who is not yours but was, that person is not the one. The feeling will come. The love will come. Your beloved will come. My love will come. If everything was failure, think that it wasn’t a failure at all (call it unsuccessful attempt). Think that you learned something good about the bad. The day has 24 hours. You have to make it have 48. And make two days of one. And the situation will change. In these 48 hours you will explore as much as you can to find your reason; the reason why you made the day to have 48 hours instead of 24. Two days, two people. And the situation will change: “And so it goes: every night you fall asleep with him struggling to stay awake for the Argentinian finals, and in the morning, there is she, the beautiful, forgiving woman who you love, too, till it hurts”

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"

We see through art.

                                                   Photo by Marcos Domingo Sánchez
                                                              Model: Pedro Jiménez

Art is a form for understanding the world and its components.

The forms of art are infinite. All of us play important roles within society but some perform our own plays.
Sometimes we do not distinguish between reality and illusion. This is the reason why the ones who perform their own play are still quite alive.

The performance involves several processes: the social, the historical, the geographical, the intellectual, the economic, the political and, the most important one, THE CREATIVE. All of them will always be present. However the creative can be absent somehow. Not every human being is able to create (in spite of human's ability to create) because not everyone develops the skill of creating as a component part to be alive in the globe.

Sometimes one has to wear a mask... however it should not be worn. Masks are liars and lies are not good. The only reason why you should wear a mask would be as a mode of defense (to defend yourself), but without losing your judgement.

The magic of the moment will last forever once you take your mask off and create. And, never ever, attempt to impress others on purpose because it is ridiculous. If you want to be a functional intellect on stage, play fair.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The problems of saying NO.

The denial of negation is a problem.

When you say “no” you are losing. The path to the unknown now is closed for you. In order to say no, you first need to try it and once you know how it is say NO. If you are not able to say NO, it is because you like it and if you like it you have a serious problem. Where does this problem come from? It comes from your unconscious since you have denied something you (NOW) like. Why did you say no? Because you did not know about it. If you had known how it is you probably won´t say no. So, this is the reason why one never should say NO. 

If you are clever enough, never say no. The door must be always opened. 

If you do not try, other will try for you... and always the same. We will be always followed by somebody ready to say YES. 

Yes represents optimism. No, for instance, shows total negation. So the path you choose is the response you will get in your life.

 Reality is behind's ones mind, not in front of one's eye. 

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

On “Everything and Nothing” Jorge Luis Borges

Photo by Marcos Domingo Sánchez 
Model: Pedro Jiménez 

There was no one in him; behind his face (which even in the poor paintings of the period is unlike any other) and his words, which were copious, imaginative, and emotional, there was nothing but a little chill, a dream not dreamed by anyone

“That same day he disposed of his theater. Before a week was out he had returned to the village of his birth, where he recovered the trees and the river of his childhood; and he did not bind them to those others his muse had celebrated, those made illustrious by mythological allusions and Latin phrases”

“[...] he found himself before God and he said: “I, who have been so many men in vain, want to be one man: myself.” The voice of God replied from a whirlwind: “Neither am I oneself; I dreamed the world as you dreamed your work, my Shakespeare, and among the shapes of my dream are you, who, like me, are many persons—and none.”

The unnamed man is now many-sided. He has no name, because he has no fixed identity. But he is, in fact, one.

Borges’ writing shows a sense of oneness by portraying a man who actually is not a man. And when a man does not consider himself a man, there are problems. The self, the soul, the mind, or in other words, one’s identity must be fed by self-confidence and reason.
Is Borges writing from an autobiographical perspective? Well, if one takes into account the fact that he was considered to be a modern symbolist we could say: maybe yes, he is. Symbolists sought for absolute truth. The impact of the modern world, however, had not only changed psychology, physics and technology but also literature and rejected (not all of them) religious thinking. The modern world was especially challenging in terms of socio-political issues. In this sense, when “he had returned to the village of his birth” searching for the truth out there in nature, the unnamed man could be said to be a romantic self immersed in nature, where melancholic childhood reigns.

God is “Everything” but at the same time “nothing”. For those who believe in God, me I do, we cannot see him but our faith is still there. He is not visible, so he is nothing. He is God, so he is everything. He is like that unnamed man Borges is talking about, a man whose masks are infinite but whose self does not exist. Is that possible?

Is Borges, -like the Irish Joyce did in A portrait of the artist as a young man-, trying to pose a theory of art in which he places God at the same status than the unnamed man? God asks the unnamed man not to complain because he is “many persons—and none”. In my opinion, Borges theory of art is that of the symbolists writers, that in which truth can only be described as an indirect object from an indirect perspective. The Gods are indirectly visible. We know of their existence but never saw them. 

Thanks for reading. 

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

On Virginia Woolf "Kew Gardens"

"We will all live and laugh at gilged butterflies" William Shakespeare, King Lear.

"How the dragonfly kept circling round us?"

 “- Tell me, Eleanor. D’you ever think of the past? […] I’ve been thinking of Lily, the woman I might have married… Well, why are you silent? Do you mind my thinking of the past?

 – Why should I mind Simon? Doesn’t one always think of the past, in a garden with men and women lying under the trees? Aren’t they one’s past, all that remains of it, those men and women, those ghosts lying under the tress… one’s happiness, one’s reality?” Virginia Woolf, Kew Gardens.

Woolf’s modernism strikes the reader with her pure romanticism. Her work is an expression of the ephemeral beauty of life.

Are we nature? Of course we are. Nature will remain forever and ever. We won’t.

We are the fragmentary nature of experience. We belong to an interrelated chain of events made up of ghosts of the past. Our ghosts make us happy, make us believe in reality. However, they are not true. The path to them has disappeared. Their beauty was ephemeral. They represent fugacity but they will always be in our minds. The mind is the real truth.
The circle of life.